Council Meetings & Agendas

Meeting schedule

Council Meetings are held once a month, on the third Tuesday of the month at 5.30pm. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at Maitland Administration Centre, 263 High Street, Maitland.

An agenda is made available the Thursday prior to a Council meeting, listing all the items Council intends to consider at the meeting. It usually also contains Council officers' reports and recommendations on these matters. Councillors use these reports as a source of information and advice to help their decision making.

Meeting Minutes & Agendas

Live streams

All Council Meetings are live streamed, giving the community access to what is discussed and decided at meetings in real time, without needing to attend in person. You can view the live stream for upcoming meetings, and copies from past meetings via Vimeo.

Please note:

  • Confidential sessions will not be broadcast
  • Maitland City Council does not accept liability for any defamatory or offensive language or behaviour from individuals during the course of meetings
  • Recordings are copyright protected and cannot be reused or reproduced without written approval from Council’s General Manager
  • The footage is not, and shall not, be taken to be an official record of Maitland City Council decisions. Please refer to the meeting minutes.


Council decisions are made by Councillors who are present at each meeting. All Councillors at the meeting may vote on every motion unless they have a conflict of interest.

Motions are passed if the majority of Councillors vote in favour. If there is a tied vote, the Mayor has a second casting vote.

Extraordinary Meetings

On rare occasions, Council holds extraordinary meetings. These meetings are held outside the normal meeting cycle and are typically to consider urgent matters.

View the Confidential Extraordinary Meeting Agenda & Minutes - 22 May 2023

Public access

All citizens are welcome to attend Council Meetings to address an item on the agenda. If you wish to speak at a Council meeting, you must lodge a Public Access Speaker Request Form.

Applications must be received by 12.00pm noon on the day of the Council Meeting.

Submit a Public Access Speaker Request


For more information, please contact the Office of the General Manager on 02 4934 9711.

See Also
Upcoming meeting dates