A group of performers at Maitland Riverlights 2024.

Maitland’s Future: Have your say and a chance to win

Maitland City Council invites the community to share their feedback on the new Community Strategic Plan, Maitland's Future, during its public exhibition from 10 January 2025 to 28 February 2025.

Developed through close consultation with the community, Maitland's Future captures the city's aspirations and values, setting a vision for a connected city with thriving communities.

The plan prioritises four key focus areas: Liveable Maitland, Sustainable Maitland, Vibrant Maitland and Achieving Together, which form the foundation of Council's strategic framework and guide all other strategies and plans.

To encourage participation, Council is offering the community the chance to win one of three $100 vouchers by sharing how they connect with the focus areas or priorities from Maitland's Future and explaining why.

Maitland Mayor Philip Penfold highlighted the community's critical role in shaping the plan. "Maitland's Future represents our community's collective voice and vision. We listened to residents' stories, needs and aspirations to create a plan reflective of our community," said Mayor Penfold.

"This plan provides a clear direction towards our shared goals, connecting vision to action. It allows us to work with the community and our partners to deliver outcomes that matter."

"We're all custodians of Maitland's Future, and this is a chance for residents to help refine our highest-level plan to ensure it truly reflects our collective goals."

During the same period, Council's draft Communication and Engagement Strategy 2024–2028, a key informing strategy supporting Maitland's Future, will also be on public exhibition.

By improving access to information, fostering trust and delivering meaningful engagement opportunities, the Strategy seeks to strengthen the connection between Council and the community—ensuring that robust and effective communication practices support Maitland's Future.

To view drafts of Maitland's Future or the Communication and Engagement Strategy, visit yoursay.maitland.nsw.gov.au, where residents can provide feedback and enter the competition.