Draft Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy
Exhibition Dates:
Exhibition Type:
In accordance with the requirements of the NSW Local Government Act 1993, Council is required to adopt the councillors’ expenses and facilities policy within the first twelve (12) months of each term of council in relation to the payment of expense and provision of facilities to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors.
A review has been undertaken of the existing policy, which was last adopted on 6 December 2022. Several changes are recommended, focused on ensuring that resources and facilities are appropriately in place to assist the Mayor and Councillors to accomplish their duties.
Notable Amendments in This Draft:
Expense or facility | Policy change recommended | Existing policy |
Accommodation and meals | $450 per Councillor per day | $400 per Councillor per day |
Joint Regional Planning Panel (Hunter and Central Coast Regional Planning Panel) meeting fee | $600 per Councillor member per meeting
*Remuneration for Councillor membership in accordance with advice from the Department of Planning and Environment | As per the existing policy |
$71 per hour with a maximum reimbursement amount of $1,500 per year
*Remuneration for business undertaken outside of meetings in relation to the role as a member. | This is not included in the existing policy | |
General travel | Use of a Council pool vehicle for the purpose of transport to and from a conference or other professional development activity | Alternate transport option not included in existing policy |
Resources for Mayor | When deputising the mayor, the deputy mayor will be provided with reasonable access to and use of the facilities provided by the mayor under this policy. Any expenses incurred during this time related to the use of facilities will be deducted from the mayors budget. | This is not included in the existing policy |
Staff resources for the mayor as determined by the general manager in consultation with the mayor (as consistent with the Delegations of Authority). | In performing his or her civic duties, the mayor will be assisted by a dedicated Executive Assistant within the Office of the General Manager. | |
Processing of claims for reimbursement | Expended details on the requirements of supporting documentation and information for the purpose of assessing reimbursement requests. | Minimal detail provided on reimbursement process |
Submissions can be sent by email to info@maitland.nsw.gov.au or by posting a written submission to:
The General Manager
Maitland City Council
PO Box 220
Maitland NSW 2320
All submissions must include a completed Political Donations and Gifts form.