Maitland Regional Sports Complex Reserve Naming Proposal
Exhibition Dates:
Lot and DP:
Exhibition Type:
Reserve Naming Proposal
The following naming proposal has been submitted to Council and is available for public comment in accordance with Council’s Naming and Renaming of Buildings, Parks and Reserves Policy.
Lot & Deposited Plan - Maitland Regional Sportsground
7007/ Dp1126284
Maitland Regional Athletics Centre
Maitland Regional Sports Complex – Whole Facility
Consists of the following:
- Maitland Regional Sportsground
- Maitland Regional Athletics Centre
- Harold Gregson Park
Private Entry Road – Smyth Way
Is an entry road to shared car park connecting James St.
Description of Proposal
The applicant would like to name the above sportsground and athletic centre, currently named Maitland Sportsground No. 1 and Smyth Field & No. 2 Sportsground, and the proposed name satisfies Council’s Naming and Renaming of Buildings, Parks and Reserves Policy whereby priority shall be given to the naming of buildings in such a manner as shall identify the geographical location of the building.
The name for the above new entry road is currently unnamed and the proposed name satisfies Council’s Road and Locality Policy.
The documents will be on public exhibition from the 11 June 2020 at Council’s Customer Service Centre, High St, Maitland and all libraries. The documents will be exhibited on Council’s website during the exhibition period.
Exhibition concludes 8 July 2020.