Notice of Gazettal - Maitland Local Environmental Plan 2011 Amendment No. 31
Exhibition Dates:
Start: 17 Aug 2021 | End: 30 Sep 2021
Lot and DP:
Lot 3 DP 1256011
Exhibition Type:
Outcome of Application
Pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given of the gazettal of Maitland Local Environmental Plan 2011 Amendment No 31, which applies to land known as part of Lot 3, DP 1256011, 101 Station Lane, Lochinvar to provide for a B2 Local Centre zone.
The LEP was made by the Minister for Planning, Industry and Environment and took effect on 16 July 2021.
Further enquiries should be directed to Mark Roser on 02 4934 9848