Local cemeteries
Council manages four cemeteries in Maitland.
Burial Register
You can use the burial register to find the location of persons buried in cemeteries managed by Council.
Please note: Not all burials have headstones, which sometimes makes it difficult to identify locations. Burial records before the 1980s were also received from churches, funeral directors and gravediggers, therefore not all were received.
Cemeteries & Crematoria NSW
Cemeteries & Crematoria NSW (CCNSW) is a NSW Government agency that regulates cemetery and crematorium operators in NSW and provides information on burial and cremation options to the public. They can also assist with resolving complaints and questions concerning cemeteries and crematoria. For more information, please visit CCNSW.
Burial regulations & plot capacity
The number of burials in a plot depends on factors such as ground conditions, burial depth and environmental elements. Under public health regulations a plot can accommodate up to two burials if the first burial is at a depth of 2.1 metres. Additionally, up to six sets of ashes can be interred in the same grave.
For more details, visit NSW Health.
Reserve a burial plot
Burial plots can be reserved for the future to ensure loved ones are not burdened during an emotional time, or for immediate use if someone you know has untimely passed away.
Pre-need/At-need fees
Open a grave
Burial permit (Interment Right)
After reserving a burial plot or niche, you will be granted a legal document by Council called an Interment Right. This grants you the exclusive right to use a specific burial site or place for cremated ashes but does not confer ownership or title to the land.
Transferring Rights
The Interment Right can be transferred to another person. Interment Rights can be transferred under three categories. A transfer fee applies to each burial site transferred.
Transfer by Holder
When the current holder, who is alive, wishes to transfer the right to another person.
Transfer by Intestacy
When the deceased holder has no will, transfer follows family lineage.
Transfer by Bequest
When the deceased holder’s will specifies a beneficiary/ies to receive the interment right.
For more information on Interment Rights, please visit Cemeteries & Crematoria NSW.
A niche is a space in a columbarium wall where ashes are placed. Council officers enter ashes into the niches, and will notify family members of the designated time.
Columbarium walls
A columbarium wall is a wall that stores niches where boxes of ashes are placed. Columbarium walls are located at Morpeth Cemetery.
Memorial plaques for the columbarium walls are included in the cost of the interment and can feature about six lines of text.
Niche Fees
includes plaque and surround
Example: removing or moving of ashes
Reserve a niche
Niches on columbarium walls can be reserved for the future to ensure loved ones are not burdened during an emotional time, or for immediate use if someone you know has untimely passed away.
Monument works
When erecting a new monument, it’s recommended that you wait 6-12 months to allow for the ground to settle at the burial site.
All monuments must first be approved by Council. Application must be submitted by the interment right holder, comply with the Australian Standards and be installed by a monumental mason.
The care, maintenance and repair of monuments are the responsibility of the interment right holder, family or estate of the deceased.
Monument fees
Apply for monument works
You can apply for an erection of a monument, or for restoration work, by completing a Monumental & Restoration Work Form.
Cemetery service providers
Below are a list of cemetery service providers that are licensed to work in Council operated cemeteries:
- Creightons Funeral Services
Location: Palmdale
Ph: 4362 1203 - C R Smythe & Son
Location: Cessnock
Ph: 4990 1425 - David Lloyd Funerals
Location: Beresfield
Ph: 4966 5277 - Meighans Funerals
Location: Broadmeadow
Ph: 4952 3099 - Peter Fry Funerals
Location: Maitland
Ph: 4930 1441 - Pettigrew Family Funerals
Location: Wallsend
Ph: 4951 1166 - Simplicity Funerals
Location: Adamstown
Ph: 0427 679 223 - Fry Bros Funerals
Location East Maitland
Ph: 4933 6155 - White Lady Funerals
Location: Mayfield
Ph: 4968 9401 - Edstein Creative Stone
Location: Sandgate
Ph: 4968 3600 - SR-Horders Monumental
Location: Rutherford
Ph: 4937 6232 - BB Memorials & Cemetery Services
Location: Cardiff
Ph: 0407 220 623
If you are a service provider and would like to work in Council’s cemeteries, please submit a Licence to Work in Council Cemeteries Application.
Other cemeteries
There are six (6) nearby private cemeteries that are operated by private organisations and churches, and five historic cemeteries which are closed to new burials.
Historic cemeteries
- Oswald Cemetery
- Oakhampton Cemetery
- Maitland Jewish Cemetery
- East Maitland Glebe Cemetery
- Hiland Cemetery
Private cemeteries
Death notification
The Australian Death Notification Service lets you notify multiple organisations about the death of a loved one with a free and simple process.
The Service allows you to notify financial, insurance, superannuation, utility providers and government services through one channel.