Notification of Temporary Food Business form

Is this form applicable to me?

Type of food/business
My food business sells low risk food only. Low risk food includes whole fruit/veg/eggs, low risk packaged jams/sauces, bread, confectionery, coffee etc.
My food business sells medium to high risk food, and have a current approval from another NSW local government. Medium risk food includes cooking/reheating, ready to eat meals, sushi, burgers, hot/cold displays, multi-step food processing.
I work for a charitable community organisation. Charitable Community Organisation includes organisations that been established solely for a charitable purpose under the Collections Act 1966 and the Organisation is registered as a charity with the Australian Taxation Office; or the organisation operates for the general welfare of the community.

Food Business Details

New application or renewal
Type of application

Business Details

Legal name of business - relates to ABN

Event Details

Events Expected to Attend (if known)

Stall/Vehicle Details

Please provide details of handwashing facilities, including the location, equipment details, and how you will supply warm water, soap, paper towels. If hand washing facilities do not apply to your business, please enter N/A below.
Please provide details of how you will be washing and sanitising utensils, and what type of chemical sanitiser you will be using. If cleaning and sanitising equipment doesn't apply to your business, please enter N/A below.
Please provide details of the number and type of thermometers available, and the number and type of refrigeration unit, eskies and reheating equipment. If hot/cold storage facilities do not apply to your business, please enter N/A below.
Please provide details of the flooring, walls and roof of food handling areas. Note: Food stalls are required to have 3 side walls. If floor, walls and roof do not apply to your business, please enter N/A below.
Please provide details of how you will be collecting, storing and disposing of waste water from handwashing and utensil washing activities. If waste water disposal does not apply to your business, please enter N/A below.

Food Details

Offsite Food Preparation Area(s)

The location(s) of any offsite food preparation areas, and/or food storage including partial preparation such as chopping and cutting of ingredients, must be listed below. Each preparation area must meet food hygiene requirements.
Is your food prepared off-site?


I declare that all the information provided in this application is true and correct