Financial Assistance for Waste Disposal for Not for Profit Organisations form

Eligible organisations may dispose of 20 tonnes of waste each financial year without charge. The levy exempt Charity Mixed Waste Fee is applicable after 20 tonnes is exceeded.

Your Details

Organisation Details

Is the organisation registed for GST?
Use a new line for each number plate
Does the organisation currently have an account to dispose of waste at the tip?
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx.


1. Organisations must be registered as a charitable, not for profit or a benevolent organisation. Supporting documentation is required.

2. Organisations must have a valid Community Service Exemption from the NSW EPA and supply this information to Council

3. The waste must be generated as part of direct voluntary action or be incidental to a community service (an activity that benefits the NSW community or environment and is undertaken voluntarily), such as unusable goods collected from community donations. The exemption does not apply to wastes generated by an organisation in the normal course of its business.

4. The waste must be generated within the Maitland local government area.

5. The activity must have been undertaken voluntarily and with no commercial interest.

6. The applicant must demonstrate that they have explored opportunities to minimise the generation of the waste and/or have explored opportunities for reuse.

7. Waste must be sorted into recyclable and non-recyclable items.

8. The waste must be self-hauled to the Mount Vincent Rd Waste Management Management Centre.

9. The fee exemption is only applicable as long as the NSW EPA Community Exemption is current, and will cease upon expiry