Public Exhibition

Current public exhibitions

The following items are currently on public exhibition. Details of each item can be found by viewing the documents attached to each item.

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Item Name Exhibition Type Status Ends
DA/2021/1420, Subdivision - One (1) into Three (3) Lot Torrens Title, 58 Station Lane LOCHINVAR General Closed 10/12/2021
DA/2021/1435, Demolition, Alterations and Additions to a Dwelling House and Shed, 29 High Street MORPETH General Closed 10/12/2021
DA/2021/1391, One into Two Lot Torrens Title Subdivision, 442 Louth Park Road LOUTH PARK Integrated Development Closed 08/12/2021
DA/2021/1177, Alterations/Additions to Education Establishment, 22 Hunter Street HORSESHOE BEND, 24 Hunter Street HORSESHOE BEND, Hunter Street HORSESHOE BEND General Closed 07/12/2021
DA/2021/1434 - Demolition Works, Dwelling alterations and additions (Atrium, Conservatory, Bathroom), Detached Garage, Detached Shed, Detached Bathroom (for Toll House), Deck with Pergola and Inground Swimming Pool - 1 High Street MAITLAND General Closed 06/12/2021
DA/2021/1415, Recreation Area with Public Park, Playground, Ancillary Buildings and Retail Premises (Kiosk), 38 Stronach Avenue EAST MAITLAND and 40 Stronach Avenue EAST MAITLAND General Closed 06/12/2021
DA/2021/1384, Dual Occupancy and One into Two Torrens Title Subdivision, Demolition and Tree Removal, 1 Bowden Street LORN General Closed 30/11/2021
DA/2020/1446:1, Section 4.55 (1A) Modification to Condition 19 (Hours of Operation), 28 Mitchell Drive EAST MAITLAND General Closed 30/11/2021
Fresh Hope Care Plan of Management, Stronach Ave, East Maitland General Closed 28/11/2021
DA/2021/1361, Tennis Court and Ancillary Structures, 9 Hopman Close OAKHAMPTON HEIGHTS General Closed 26/11/2021

How to make a submission

Submission Delivery

Submissions are to be made in writing addressed to the General Manager and either:

Submission Date

Submissions must be received by close of business on the last day of the exhibition period, unless otherwise stated.

Donations and gift disclosure

Any submission on a planning related matter must complete a Disclosure Statement of Political Donations and Gifts and submit this to Council with their submission. Examples of planning matters include a development application, Development Control Plan, Local Environmental Plan, Section 94 plans etc.