Contact and opening hours
Phone: 02 4934 1888
Location: Maitland Resource Recovery Facility, 109 Mount Vincent Road, East Maitland
Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday, 8.15am - 3.45pm (all customers must be off-site by 4pm)
Public Holidays and Closures: The site is closed on Good Friday and Christmas Day, and for dangerous weather conditions such as strong winds.
Open status
Occasionally extreme weather forces us to close the tip face. Check our live updates if you're unsure of the current open status.
MRRF Upgrade Project
Maitland Resource Recovery Facility (MRRF) is currently undergoing a major transformation. Download our brochure to find out what you need to know before you visit.
Disposal fees
All prices include the NSW EPA Waste Levy of $170.10 per tonne and GST.
Call for required booking (Wed & Fri only). Conditions apply.
Clean, uncontaminated
Cardboard, paper, cans, bottles, plastic etc.
Including fridge, freezers, air-conditioners
Max 20L per visit
Max 100L per visit
Clean and sorted
Tyres up to 600mm
Tyres from 601 to 800mm
Tyres over 801mm
Vegetation and timber
Non-treated, non-painted and without nails.
Treated, painted and with nails.
For public weighbridge options including weekend availability, visit the National Measurement Institute Weighbridge Finder.
Monday to Friday only
Prohibited items
The following materials are not accepted at our Waste Centre:
- Liquid waste
e.g. Automotive fluids, garden sprays. - Radioactive material
- Explosives
- Medical waste
e.g. Sharps, disposable masks, bandages, blood. - Hazardous wastes and toxic substances
e.g. Pesticides, oxidising agends, organic peroxides, corrosive substances.

Concessions for charitable or not for profit organisations
If you’re part of a charitable or not for profit organisation, you can dispose of up to 20 tonnes of waste for free. Each charitable or not for profit organisation must have a valid Community Service Exemption from the NSW EPA.
Create an account at the Waste Facility
If you want to dispose of more than 20 tonnes, you must create a waste disposal account at the Waste Facility.