Maitland +10 Plan
Maitland +10 is our ten year Community Strategic Plan, which captures our community’s vision and priorities for the future.
For each new term of Council, the Community Strategic Plan is reviewed to ensure alignment with the current community goals. In June 2022, Council adopted the latest Maitland +10 Plan. The plan is developed as a reference for Council, state government agencies, community groups, non-government organisations, businesses and individuals, who all play a part in building our ideal future.
The Plan creates a range of themes that drive the actions of our Resourcing Strategy, Delivery Program and annual Operational Plan. At the end of the term, the sitting Council reviews the Maitland 10+ outcomes and reports on its achievements in an ‘End of Term Report’.
Delivery Program and Operational Plan
Following an election, each new Council develops a Delivery Program to outline the objectives for the Council term. The Delivery Program seeks to achieve the community’s vision and priorities for the future set out in the Community Strategic Plan, Maitland +10.
The Operational Plan, supported by the Long Term Financial Plan, incorporates the Infrastructure Program, and the Fees and Charges to support the Delivery Program. The annual Operational Plan details actions that Council will take over the next financial year to help progress the Delivery Program and its objectives. It includes a budget statement, Infrastructure Program, information on rates and a list of fees and charges.
We publish our On the Move report twice yearly, detailing the progress on delivering the objectives set in the Delivery Program.
At the end of each financial year, Council prepares an Annual Report, detailing our progress in achieving the Operational Plan.
Six Monthly Progress Report
The Six Monthly Progress Report highlights Council’s performance and key achievements across four focus areas, reflecting our commitment to building a connected city with thriving communities, as outlined in Maitland’s Future, our Community Strategic Plan.
In addition to meeting our legislative obligations, this report aims to keep the community informed about our priorities, reinforce our dedication to transparency in decision making, and to celebrate the progress and successes of our organisation.
Maitland Local Strategic Planning Statement 2040+
The Maitland Local Strategic Planning Statement 2040+ sets out a 20-year vision for land use.
The Statement identifies the challenges the local area will face in coming years and outlines how growth and change will be managed into the future, working with the community and other stakeholders.
It explains how state and regional plans, such as the Hunter Regional Plan 2036, the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan 2036, and Council's strategic plans will be implemented in the Maitland Local Government Area.
Maitland Local Housing Strategy 2041
The Maitland Local Housing Strategy 2041 sets out a framework to guide future growth and change of our residential areas over the next 20 years.
It recognises and responds to evidence about what types of housing will be needed for our growing and changing population, where it can be best located and how Council will deliver better housing outcomes, together with community and other stakeholders.
The Strategy was adopted by Council on 27 June 2023.
Maitland Rural Land Strategy 2041
The Maitland Rural Land Strategy 2041 provides an evidence-based framework for guiding and managing of our rural land over the next 20 years. It aims to support and protect agricultural land in the long term, facilitate investment and open opportunities for local economic growth and diversification.
The Strategy was adopted by Council on 27 June 2023.
Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2030
The Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2030 is a strategy for a more liveable and sustainable Maitland.
It sets out a pathway to improve community health and wellbeing and economic opportunity through improving the health of our local environment.
The strategy includes 13 targets across four theme areas, with actions Council will take and indicators which will be measured and reported upon over time to track our progress.
The Strategy was adopted by Council on 24 October 2023.
Destination Management Plan
The Destination Management Plan is a collaborative plan for building and managing Maitland’s visitor economy.
The Destination Management Plan proposes a range of opportunities covering marketing and promotion, product development and infrastructure to enhance the City’s visitor economy.
We developed the plan with the help of 1,100+ ideas and suggestions from the community, tourism operators, local businesses and visitors.
Waste Services Management Plan
The Waste Services Management Plan outlines a review into Maitland’s waste services and provides an action plan for improvements to waste services in Maitland over the next three years.
It ties into our Environmental Sustainability Strategy (ESS) 2030, which outlines our strategic direction in relation to waste management and signals a shift towards a circular economy where resources are conserved, resource management services are provided efficiently, and the value of materials is maximised.
Several phases of consultation were conducted throughout 2022 to identify our community’s priorities on waste and environmental issues. More than 2,800 responses were received across a random phone survey and an opt in online survey.